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ABC News
A useful portal giving general content on Aboriginal issues.
Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW
Information on the history, philosophy and activities of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations.
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
A ‘one-stop’ shop for information on all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
Australian Policy Online
A resource for Aboriginal health and treatment.
Check Today, See Tomorrow
Resources developed by the University of Melbourne's Indigenous Eye Health Unit to support the program of recommendations and activities within the Roadmap to Close the Gap for Vision.
Combined Universities
Offers a free cultural orientation course for health professionals working with Aboriginal people.
The First Australians
Aboriginal history and stories as well as episodes and segments from this documentary series.
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Information on Aboriginal social justice.
Medical Journal of Australia
A collection of Aboriginal health papers.
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Information on the history, philosophy and activities of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations.
NSW Health
Information on Aboriginal Health priority areas.
Australian Government Department of Health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Aboriginal health and resource list.
Share Our Pride
Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their culture, and to building respectful relationships.
A learning and teaching resource for working with Indigenous patients and clients. The University of Sydney now include this resource in their health sciences curriculums to enhance the level of Aboriginal cultural competence for graduates the Byalawa project. The resource materials are mostly in the form of short video clips that give practical examples of consultations with Aboriginal patients.
Useful tips on raising children.
Resource guide to skin health for children
This guide highlights skin health, and what are the different skin conditions that affect children, from infants to teenagers.
The Aboriginal Child, Family & Community Care State Secretariat (NSW) (AbSec)
AbSEC is the peak body for out-of-home care for Aboriginal people in NSW. Burrun Dalai currently holds the Chair's position on the board.
Aboriginal people, families and communities
Information about services and support for Aboriginal people, families and communities, dates of significance, how we are working with Aboriginal people, families and communities, and our Apology to the Stolen Generations.
Link-Up (NSW)
Link-Up (NSW) is based at Lawson and works with Aboriginal people who were separated from their families when they were children.
Abcare Coffs Harbour
The Coffs Harbour Aboriginal Family Community Care Centre Inc. services Coffs Harbour and surrounding towns, south to Bowraville, west to Ebor and north to Corindi Beach, encompassing 3 local government areas - Coffs Harbour City Council, Bellingen Shire Council and Nambucca Shire Council.
Give Us A Break! A look at the myths and legends surrounding Aboriginal people and our lifestyles
Resource published by General Practice Education and Training in consultation with Mrs Val Dahlstrom, a cultural educator based at the Regional Training provider, GP Synergy.
Communicating Positively – A guide to appropriate Aboriginal terminology
Booklet developed by NSW Health and AH&MRC about using the correct terminology when talking with or about Aboriginal people in NSW.
Koori Mail
Fortnightly newspaper providing comprehensive and informative stories about Aboriginal issues, community news and programs, employment and sport.
National Indigenous Times
Australia’s most awarded Aboriginal newspaper featuring up to date news on politics, sports and art.