Foster Carers are a very special group of people that open their homes and hearts to kids that for whatever reason, need a safe place to live for a temporary or long period of time.
They provide a safe and nurturing environment where kids feel safe and supported, to grow and develop in a healthy and happy way, connected to family, community, and culture.
Being a Foster Carer is not a new thing for Aboriginal people, we have been doing it for thousands of years, rearing children from our families or communities.
There are lots of different ways to provide Foster Care, from long term to just a few days a month. don’t be put off if you’re thinking it’s something you like to do, call and speak to one of the Foster Care Team.
Please contact us for more information about becoming a Foster Carer.
These are the placement options available at Burrun Dalai so even if you already have a child placed with you can discuss with your caseworker if you feel you are able to provide more care.
This is for children who require immediate care for differing reasons. As these arrangements are usually urgent, there is usually very little notice before we discuss placing the child or young person with a carer.
Arranged when a child or young person cannot return home the option of long-term care is discussed. It is the last option and is always preferably with family.
This care is needed when a long-term placement has broken down and a new long-term placement is being found.
For children and young people who require care ranging from overnight up to six months.
Is provided for children and young people living with full-time carers, often for 2 bed nights per month. If you chose to be a carer you should receive 2 respite nights for the children, you are caring for per month.
Alternately you may be the provider of those 2 bed nights for another carer. We do try and use the same carers for children and young people so that it is consistent for them, and they get to know the respite carer as significant people in their lives.
Initial Training
When you apply and are assessed as a foster carer you will be invited to undertake Initial Training. This is to provide you with information that will help you understand the system, the child or young person’s needs, what you’re entitled to, legislation and also what supports you may be provided.
Burrun Dalai also provides information on how we work as a team to care for foster children, what is required from you and what is required from us.
It is usually at least 2 full days.
Special training for Aboriginal Children's Carers - STACC
Burrun Dalai provides ongoing training. This is usually over a weekend and provides training in areas that are identified by the carers, by surveys and changes to legislation etc. We strongly encourage carers to attend. Not only do you get training, but you also have the opportunity to meet other foster carers and develop networks and supports.
Burrun Dalai also offers First Aid Training and any other training that may become available during the year.
Fill in your details below, and one of our team members will be in touch to answer any questions you have about becoming a Foster Carer.